Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 184: Acts 17:1-15

READ: Acts 17:1-15

THINK: Some people aren’t content just to ruin things for themselves. They have to ruin things for everyone else as well. If they can’t have it or don’t want it, no one else is going to get it either. If they’re going down, they’re taking others down with them. Many people who reject Christ are like this, whether they realize it or not. If only more people who follow Christ were like this as well–not taking others down, but determining instead to bring them up. Make it your aim to help people find a relationship with Jesus and to take as many as you can to heaven with you.

RESPOND: What does Paul’s practice of reasoning with others from God’s Word (v. 2-3) indicate about the importance of knowing the Word? In what ways do people in the world stir up opposition against God, His standards and His purposes in an attempt to keep people from following Him? What does the Bereans’ example reveal about the value of Bible study and how we should approach it? (See 17:11 note.) How did the Bereans’ attitude toward God’s Word demonstrate good character? In what way do the Bereans serve as a model for all Christians and churches? How does their example challenge you personally? What are the personal benefits of Bible study? How does knowing and studying God’s Word benefit an entire church? How does knowing and loving God’s Word help you to understand and communicate the message of Jesus?

PRAY: Give God thanks for His powerful and precious Word. Ask Him to give you a fresh love and commitment to knowing and understanding it. Ask Him to give you insight from the Holy Spirit whenever you read and study it.

ACT: If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’re already committed to spending daily time in God’s Word. For further help, take time today to read the brief training article, Discovering the Word’s Relevance: A Bible Study Approach, on pp. 14-15 at the front of the Fire Bible: Student Edition. This outline presents a practical approach to personal Bible Study that will help you dig deeper into God’s Word and gain a better understanding of how it applies to your daily life.

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