Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 183: Acts 16:16-40

READ: Acts 16:16-40

THINK: Who can tell when you’re in a bad mood–your closest friends, or everyone around you? Can they recognize what you’re going through based on emotions? Are you down and depressed when things are rough or you’ve been mistreated? Do you show joy and excitement only when things are going great? Paul and Silas didn’t let circumstances determine their mood or rob their joy. In fact, listening to Paul and Silas, their fellow prisoners may have forgotten for a moment that they were in jail. Actually, because they chose to praise God, they weren’t there for long.

RESPOND: Where did the slave girl get her supposed ability to predict the future? (See 16:16 note.) In what way do the girls actions and words as she followed Paul indicate how God’s power is far superior to any other power? (See article on Power Over Satan and Demons, p. 1347.) Why do you think Paul put up with the girl’s behavior for several days before confronting her issue with the evil spirit? What was her owner’s main concern after the slave girl had been freed from the evil spirit (v. 19)? What are some examples of how people today show far more concern for their own wealth and success than for the good of others? Why were Paul and Silas punished by the authorities? (See 16:23 note.) Why and how could Paul and Silas praise God after all they had been through? What does this demonstrate about true Christian joy? How can you learn from their example? How did their faith, joy and determination end up affecting others? (See 16:30 note.) According to this passage, what must a person do to be saved?

PRAY: Give God thanks for His matchless power, authority and love. Ask Him to give you uncommon joy in all situations–so much that others will notice and be influenced to accept and trust Christ for themselves.

ACT: Practice maintaining and expressing an attitude of joy and gratitude in difficult and unfair situations. Whenever someone mistreats you for no good reason, or you encounter opposition for doing right, or you simply hit a hard time, make a deliberate effort to keep a good attitude. Thank Jesus for the opportunity to grow in faith, patience and dependence on Him. If you face trouble as a result of your faith, thank Jesus for the opportunity to identify with Him.

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