NT Fire Starters – Day 172: Acts 10:11-23
READ: Acts 10:1-23
THINK: How comfortable are you reaching beyond your social circle and associating with other believers who may not seem to fit your personality, style or social profile? If you seldom branch out to build new relationships–with both Christians and non-Christians–your growth and influence will be limited. God intends for His people to grow in community with each other. He uses others to sharpen, challenge and inspire us spiritually, mentally, socially and in many other ways. Don’t diminish God’s work in and through you by refusing to relate to people outside of your comfort zone.
RESPOND: How did Cornelius demonstrate his devotion to God? In what ways are prayers and gifts to the poor an offering to God? (See 10:4 note.) What part did prayer play in the lives of Jesus’ early followers and church leaders, and why? (See 10:9 note.) When, how and in what situations does the Bible tell people to pray? What was God illustrating for Peter through the vision? (See 10:19 note.) What misconceptions did Peter still have at this time regarding the scope of spiritual salvation and how it related to those outside of his own people and nation? How did Peter’s attitude begin to change after his vision? In what ways do Christians sometimes struggle to accept “outsiders” or relate to people who are different from them? In what way has God changed your attitude and helped you open up to others so you could be more effective in reaching them for Jesus?
PRAY: Ask God to help you overcome and eliminate any prejudice that could keep you from reaching out to people with His love and message. Pray that you’ll not hesitate to accept those whom God wants you to influence for Him.
ACT: At some point today (or during the next couple days) plan to give a full hour to God, uninterrupted. Spend this time worshiping, praying, reading His Word, etc. See 10:9 note, point 4, for suggestions on how to divide this hour. Among other things, pray that God would make you more sensitive to His voice and more open to reaching out to all kinds of people with His love and message. For additional ideas and inspiration, read the article on Campus Missions Commitment to Pray, p. 1744, and see the Campus Missions Training Helps related to prayer, pp. 280-282.