Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 170: Acts 8:9-40

READ: Acts 8:9-40

THINK: Money, power, prestige and influence may seem to open a lot of doors and provide a lot of things for some people. But none of these worldly benefits can get you any farther with God or gain you anything spiritually. Only sincere surrender to God and acceptance of Christ’s leadership in your life will give you access to His power and special blessing. And nothing else in this world can give you greater, more positive influence on others than the Holy Spirit working in and through you to reveal God’s compassion, kindness and life-changing power.

RESPOND: How could someone like Simon the sorcerer have such influence on people? Where do you think his apparent power came from? What happened when the Samaritans encountered real power from God? (See 8:12 note.) Was the Samaritans’ new-found faith in God genuine? How can you tell? Why would Simon want to be baptized and follow Philip? Was his commitment genuine? Why or why not? What did it mean that “the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them [Samaritan believers]”? (See 8:16, note.) What does this indicate about the relation between salvation and the baptism in the Holy Spirit? (See 8:17 note.) Why did Simon want the power he saw working through the apostles? (See 8:21 note.) In what way was Simon’s heart not right toward God? (See 8:21 note.) How was Philip’s response to God’s direction (v. 29) key in the Ethiopian’s conversion to Christ? Why is it so important to respond when you sense God directing you to reach out to someone?

PRAY: Ask God to help you be responsive to His guidance so that you’ll always be prepared to talk about Jesus.

ACT: Is God leading you to reach out to someone who is open and ready to respond to Him? You may need to develop a friendship first, or perhaps God wants you to show kindness or offer help to the person in some way. Then again, he or she may be ready to talk about God. Do whatever you sense God leading you to. If you haven’t yet been baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, ask God to give you this powerful gift. (For additional insight, see articles on Baptism in the Holy Spirit, p. 1508, and Speaking in Tongues, p. 1514.)

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