Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 165: Acts 4:32-5:11

READ: Acts 4:32–5:11

THINK: When experiencing tough times, we tend to feel we don’t deserve what we’re getting–and this may be true. On the other hand, when experiencing success or prosperity, we tend to feel we’ve worked hard and deserve everything we have. But if you’ve been blessed with opportunities and resources, it has little to do with your own ingenuity and everything to do with the fact that God intends for you to be a channel of His blessing to others. God has entrusted you to manage His resources in ways that honor Him. Powerful things happen when God’s people act with compassion toward others, not seeking recognition or return for themselves, but simply aiming to honor Jesus.

RESPOND: In what way were the first believers of “one heart and one mind” (v. 32)? How could we learn from their example? What characterized the apostles’ preaching and why? (See 4:33 note.) Do you feel that ministry today is marked by this same power? Why or why not? What makes ministry effective? How did people in the early church meet one another’s needs? How could we see this same result through the ministry of churches today? In what way was Ananias being deceptive and why was that considered lying to the Holy Spirit? (See 5:3 and 5:4 notes.) Why do you think that God’s punishment was so severe in this situation? (See 5:5 note.) In what way does this account serve as a warning to believers regarding their motives and actions? How did the other believers respond to what happened to Ananias and Sapphira? (See 5:11 note.) Why is this attitude healthy and essential in serving God?

PRAY: Ask Jesus to give you a generous attitude toward others in the church and to use you to meet people’s needs when it is within your capability to do so. Pray that you remain humble, sincere and honest in all the ways you are able to give and serve, never seeking honor and recognition for yourself.

ACT: Think of someone in your church or circle of friends who has a need that you could meet. It may be financial or material, but it could also require help with a task, studies, or personal care if someone is ill or incapacitated in some way. If the need is greater than you can handle alone, see if other Christian friends will join you in meeting it.

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