Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 160: Acts 1:1-26

READ: Acts 1:1-26

THINK: The book of Acts is a continuation of Luke’s Gospel, picking up the story after Jesus ascended back to heaven. Acts is essentially an account of how Jesus’ followers–in the power of the Holy Spirit–continued to spread Jesus’ message and reproduce His work. Acts provides a general history of the beginning of the Church–the worldwide community of all true followers of Christ–which He established to convey His life transforming message throughout the earth.

RESPOND: When the author, Luke, says that he wrote about “all that Jesus began to do and to teach,” what does that statement imply? (See 1:1 note.) How and through whom are Jesus’ works to continue? What are some of the proofs Jesus gave His followers that He was alive? What additional proofs do we have today? What was the gift that Jesus’ followers were instructed to wait for? (See 1:5 note.) What would this gift provide for Jesus’ followers? (See 1:8 note.) According to this passage, what’s the purpose of the Holy Spirit’s power in believers’ lives? What does it mean to be Jesus’ “witnesses”? (See 1:8 note.) How does the Holy Spirit enable Jesus’ followers to do this? What hope and promise did Jesus’ followers receive when He left earth (v. 11)? What did Jesus’ closest followers do constantly as they joined together? (See 1:14 note.) How is this an example and a challenge for Jesus’ followers today?

PRAY: Ask Jesus to continue His powerful work through you. Give God thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit, who provides power for you to spread the message about Jesus.

ACT: Take your Bible with you today and in your spare time read the article on Baptism in the Holy Spirit, p. 1508. This topic is foundational to much of the ministry activity you’ll see throughout the book of Acts. It should also be foundational to your life and service for Jesus. Also, make sure you’re involved in some sort of consistent prayer time with others in your church and perhaps as part of a prayer or Bible group at your school or work.

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