NT Fire Starters – Day 147: John 13:1-30
READ: John 13:1-30
THINK: Have you ever had to do something for someone that, even as you were doing it, you were honestly thinking, I shouldn’t have to do this–it’s beneath me–I’m better than that. Well, consider Jesus, the eternal Son of God through whom all things were created, as He stooped to wash His followers’ feet. That was only one of countless ways He served people and met their needs when He walked the earth. And He continues to meet your needs. Is it beneath you to follow Jesus example of servanthood? One of the best tests of how willing you are to be a servant is this: How do you respond when you’re treated like one?
RESPOND: What was so extraordinary about Jesus demonstration of servanthood in washing His disciples’ feet (cf. v. 3)? In what way was this act symbolic, and what example does it set for Jesus’ followers? (See 13:5 note.) Why did Jesus tell Peter, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.? (See 13:8 note.) In what ways are Jesus’ followers to “wash one another’s feet”? (See 13:14 note.) In what way can you show acceptance to those whom Jesus sends (v. 20)? Why do you think the other disciples never seemed to suspect or anticipate Judas’ deception and betrayal? Why and how must Christ’s followers be cautious regarding who they trust and associate with?
PRAY: Ask Jesus to help you follow His example of humility and servanthood in your interaction with others.
ACT: Throughout the day find several ways to serve others–particularly other Christians–as a means of showing your love and appreciation for them. You could help a friend with homework during study hall, do something for a sibling at home, stop by church after school and help your pastor, or assist an elderly neighbor with a household chore. Also, re-read the article on Campus Missions Commitment to Serve, p. 1276.