Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 146: John 12:20-50

READ: John 12:20-50

THINK: What are the most important things in your life–the relationships, the possessions, the activities, the skills? How do you know that they’re important to you? Chances are they get the bulk of your time, attention, passion and resources. But do these priorities have eternal value, and if so, are you investing in them as such? And how do these things line up with your relationship with God and His priorities? In reality, the things in your life that have only temporary value should not even begin to compare with things that will endure for eternity.

RESPOND: How would Jesus be “glorified” by what was about to happen to Him? (See 12:23-24 note.) Why was His death necessary and what would it accomplish? What does it mean that “the man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life”? (See 12:25 note.) How should your attitude toward earthly interests compare to heavenly interests? What does it mean to “serve” and “follow” Jesus? (See 12:26 note.) Who is “the prince of this world” and how would he “be driven out”? (See 12:31 note.) How would Jesus being “lifted up from the earth” draw people to Him? (See 12:32 note.) Why would people refuse to believe Jesus, even after seeing His miracles? (See 12:39 note.) What caused their eyes to become blinded and their hearts to become deadened (v. 40)? Why would some who believed not admit it (v. 42)? (See 12:43 note.) Why would a person desire praise from people rather than honor from God? What does it mean to “hear” but not “keep” Jesus’ words (vv. 47-48)?

PRAY: Ask Jesus to help you establish your priorities so that nothing in this world compares with your devotion to Him and your desire to lead others to Him. Pray that you never trade honor from God for acclaim from people.

ACT: As you go through the day, consider how you could approach each task or activity in a way that will have a more lasting impact. For example, instead of just finishing a task, do it in a way that encourages or inspires others. Instead of eating with the same friends, invite someone who may need a friend to join you. Choose a Christian theme for a class project. Instead of spending an hour playing video games, work on a ministry effort or simply spend time praising God to some worship music. Whatever you do, try to give more time to things of eternal value.

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