NT Fire Starters – Day 141: John 10:1-21
READ: John 10:1-21
THINK: People often knock Christians by referring to them as a bunch of blind followers. But in reality, everyone is following or pursuing something–or someone. In a spiritual, but very real sense, people are either following God and His truth, or they’re falling for a lie from the devil. Most voices that people listen to are spreading the lie and leading them blindly down a path toward destruction and death. They’re being robbed of real life and don’t even know it. Wouldn’t you rather endure the insults, while following Jesus on a path leading to ultimate fulfillment and eternal life?
RESPOND: In what way is the description of the good and true Shepherd a picture of Jesus’ relationship with His people? (See 10:1 note.) What did Jesus mean when He said that the sheep listen to the shepherd’s voice but do not follow a strangers’ voice? How does this apply to you and to those in the Church today? What does Jesus mean in saying, “I am the gate” (vv. 7, 9)? (See 10:9 note.) How does Jesus’ coming and purpose contrast with the purpose of our spiritual enemy, the devil? (See 10:10 note.) In what ways do Satan and his forces kill, steal and destroy? In what ways does Jesus give life “to the full” (v. 10)? What’s the significance of Jesus claim as “the good shepherd”? (See 10:11 note.) How did Jesus ultimately fill this role, proving His love for His “sheep” (vv. 11, 15, 17)? What does this passage illustrate about false spiritual leaders and how you can detect them? How can you take comfort in the fact that Jesus knows His sheep? (See 10:14 note.) What does verse 18 indicate about Jesus’ power and love for us?
PRAY: Thank Jesus for His care over you and for knowing you personally and individually. Also, thank Jesus for coming to give you life to the fullest.
ACT: As you go through the day, notice all the evidence you can of how the devil is robbing, killing and bringing destruction on people. Look for signs of this in people’s lives, in situations and in various forms of media. Pray for God’s help and healing in these situation. Take action to help and encourage anyone you can. Talk about your faith if the situation arises. This will take a sense of boldness and adventure, which is part of living life “to the full” (v. 10).