Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 133: John 6:25-59

READ: John 6:25-59

THINK: What do you do when you’re really hungry? You eat. Even when you’re not hungry you eat because you know it’s necessary–and you probably enjoy it. Apply this reasoning to your spiritual life. If you’re truly hungry, you’ll feed your spirit through time with God in His Word and prayer. If you’re not taking this time on a regular basis, its either because you’re not hungry for God, you don’t enjoy time with Him, or you don’t realize how necessary it is for your spiritual life, health and well-being. So indulge your spiritual appetite and see how God’s Word satisfies a hungry soul.

RESPOND: How can you work for food that doesn’t spoil but “endures to eternal life” (v. 27)? How should believing in Jesus affect your works (v. 29)? Why would people ask Jesus for another sign (vv. 30-31) after they’d already experienced a great miracle (cf. 6:5-15)? What does Jesus mean when He declares, “I am the bread of life”? (See 6:35 note.) Why will people who truly believe in Jesus “never go hungry, and…never be thirsty”? What hope and assurance can people find by coming to Jesus? (See 6:37 note.) How would you describe “God’s will” and how it relates to your life personally? (See 6:40 note.) How can your choices affect God’s will for your life? How does God the Father draw people to Jesus? (See 6:44 note.) Why is it so important to respond when you sense the Holy Spirit drawing you to God? What does Jesus mean when He says that whoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood will have eternal life? (See 6:54 note.) How can you continue to feed on Jesus in order to grow spiritually?

PRAY: Ask Jesus to help you focus your efforts on things of eternal value. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and power so you can fulfill God’s perfect will. Thank Jesus for being the bread of life that satisfies your spiritual hunger.

ACT: Take your Bible with you, and during free time feed your spirit on God’s Word. Try reading in Proverbs, which is filled with practical wisdom for youth. Make a conscious effort today–and every day–to do things God’s way rather than your own way. And if you’ve sensed God’s Spirit drawing you to Jesus–perhaps to accept His forgiveness and new life for the first time–don’t resist any longer. Entrust your life to Him and let Him restore your ultimate purpose.

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