NT Fire Starters – Day 128: John 4:1-26
READ: John 4:1-26
THINK: What does worship mean to you? Is it a solemn, subdued experience, or an exuberant, exhilarating experience? Does it make you feel awkward, inspired, or nothing at all? The fact is that true worship is not just an experience; it’s a way of life. And true worship is not about you and your feelings; its about God and His worthiness. He deserves honor regardless of your mood or situation. True worship involves more than singing songs, reciting prayers or verbalizing words of praise in a worship service. It involves a lifestyle that truly honors God and brings positive attention to Him. True, godly worship is a heartfelt expression of God’s “worth-ship,” from your spirit to His. It is the appropriate response to God’s powerful presence and matchless character. (See article on Worship, p. 608.)
RESPOND: What can we identify about Jesus and His purpose from His conversation with the Samaritan woman? (See 4:7 note.) Why do you think Jesus started the conversation? What’s the “living water” Jesus talked about (vv. 10-11)? (See 4:14 note.) What does it mean to drink that water, and what does that have to do with your personal relationship with Jesus? Why does a person who drinks the living water no longer thirst? What did Jesus mean about Samaritans worshiping “what you do not know”? (See 4:22 note.) What does it mean to worship God “in spirit and in truth”? (See 4:23-24 note.) What other things can you can learn about worship from this passage? What’s the significance of “truth” as it relates to God? How does truth relate to your life as a follower of Jesus?
PRAY: Ask Jesus to help you reach out to spiritually thirsty people, regardless of their background or your perceptions. Ask Him to give you a thirst for a deeper relationship with Him, characterized by a lifestyle of sincere worship.
ACT: Ask God to guide you into conversations today with people who need a friend, have a need or are searching for answers. Initiate conversations by expressing sincere interest in others and what they are doing. Trust God to direct you into deeper conversations about spiritual matters. Also, take time when you’re on your own throughout the day to worship God in your own words, acknowledging His attributes like love, wisdom, purity, power, justice, etc.