Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 124: John 1:19-51

READ: John 1:19-51

THINK: Do you ever wonder what Jesus’ first followers were like, or what it would have been like to be one of them? Perhaps you’ve wondered if you would have been among those who misunderstood or even rejected Jesus while He was on earth. When reading the Bible, it’s easy to miss the subtle differences between those who were drawn to Jesus and those who were offended by Him. Most who followed Jesus were common people who humbly dared to trust Him without reservation. They didn’t do extraordinary things to attract Jesus’ attention, but showed extraordinary faith simply by taking Him at His Word, responding to Him without hesitation, and eagerly telling others about Him.

RESPOND: In what way did John prepare the way for Jesus? (Note that when the book refers to John, it means John the Baptist, rather than John the disciple and author of this Gospel.) Why is Jesus called “the Lamb of God” and how does that relate to taking away sins? (See 1:29 note.) When the Holy Spirit came down like a dove on Jesus at His baptism, what did that confirm about Him (v. 34)? What does it mean that Jesus baptizes His followers with the Holy Spirit? (See 1:33 note.) What was significant about Andrew’s actions before and after meeting Jesus? What can you learn from his example? What’s the significance of Peter’s name? (See 1:42 note.) Why do you think Nathaniel and the others were so confident of Jesus’ identity right away? What example does this set for others who want to follow Jesus? What’s the significance of Jesus’ word picture in verse 51? (See 1:51 note.)

PRAY: Give Jesus thanks for coming to earth to be the sacrifice for your sin and offenses against God. Ask Jesus to help you be like His first followers–quick to respond to Him, to trust Him and to eagerly tell others about Him.

ACT: Perhaps God has shown you something during your time in His Word or in prayer that you have not yet acted on or put into practice. Follow the example of Jesus’ first followers. Take God at His Word and respond to Him without hesitation. Depend on the Holy Spirit for help and direction, and do what He’s told you to do. This may involve talking to someone about Jesus. One way to break the ice could be to invite them to a youth ministry event.

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