Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 121: Luke 24:13-35

READ: Luke 24:13-35

THINK: How many times have you heard something that sounded too good to be true? More times than you could count, probably. And how did most of those claims turn out? As expected–too good to be true. Sadly, most of us have become accustomed to tuning out things that seem beyond belief. In many cases, this is for the best. But sometimes, our skepticism causes us to miss out on things that are truly extraordinary–even miraculous. This is certainly true if we don’t take God’s Word at face value. A lack of faith can keep us from understanding, receiving and experiencing God’s best. And that’s not just unbelievable–it’s unacceptable.

RESPOND: Why do you think that the men on the road to Emmaus were “kept from recognizing him [Jesus]” (v. 16)? Do you think that the men had already given up hope? Why or why not? Why did some still have a difficult time believing the women’s original report about Jesus rising from the dead, even after others had confirmed some of the facts? Even though many Old Testament prophets had spoken about Christ’s suffering, why did so many of His followers seem to miss the necessity of all that? Why do you think that the men sensed “a burning within us while he [Jesus] talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us” (v. 32)? What kind of effect can the truth of God’s Word have on human hearts and lives?

PRAY: Ask God to give you a more trusting heart toward Him and His Word. Ask for insight to understand what God has revealed in the Word and for wisdom to see how it applies to your life in specific ways. Then ask Him for the faith and discipline to apply what He shows you.

ACT: Glance back quickly through Luke’s Gospel and find a passage that you previously found difficult to understand or relate to. Review any related Fire Bible study notes. Ask God to give you deeper insight into the passage and to show you what difference He wants it to make in your life. Then listen to God and put His Word into action.

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