NT Fire Starters – Day 119: Luke 23:26-49
READ: Luke 23:26-49
THINK: One of the surest signs of the depravity and corruption of the human heart is the fact that people take pleasure in violence, blood and death. We see it in the Roman and Greek arenas, where spectators cheered as people fought to the death. We see it in the history of the persecution of Christians and others. We see it in modern society as millions find pleasure and entertainment in TV, movies and other media depicting violence, brutality and death. Jesus died to change this attitude of the heart and to demonstrate true love for life and humanity. Yet, even as He hung on the cross, onlookers gazed in contempt, watching Him suffer a horrible death. Amazingly, He died for them; He died for us all, so that those who accept His sacrifice and entrust their lives to Him would never look at death the same again.
RESPOND: What did Jesus mean when He said, “For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry” (v. 31, see note)? What do Jesus words in verse 34 indicate about His character, love and purpose? What did Jesus’ death have to do with our offenses against God? (See 23:33 note.) In what way does Jesus’ death restore people to relationship with God? What must you do to enter that relationship? What can you tell about human nature from those who gathered to watch Jesus die? (See 23:35 note.) What did the attitude of the second criminal executed with Jesus reveal about his heart and his view of Jesus? What does Jesus reply to that man reveal about the simplicity of receiving forgiveness and new life? (See 23:43 note.) What do Jesus’ words in verse 46 reveal about His death? (See 23:46 note.) What can you discern about Jesus by His last sayings from the cross? (See 23:34 note.)
PRAY: Express gratitude to Jesus for His personal sacrifice that makes your forgiveness and relationship with God possible. Commit to sharing that simple message so others too can know Him and experience eternal life with Him.
ACT: Write a message, poem or song about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and what it means to you personally. Or perhaps you could create an original artwork honoring Jesus in this way. You may choose to focus on a particular aspect of His suffering and death, for example, basing your work on one of Jesus’ last sayings on the cross (see 23:34 note).