NT Fire Starters – Day 114: Luke 20:20-21:4
READ: Luke 20:20–21:4
THINK: Have you ever been around someone who seemed bent on getting people into trouble? Perhaps he or she avoided blame themselves by getting others to do the “dirty work.” Such people are often shrewd and come across innocently to unsuspecting victims or accomplices. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day were like that, but Jesus saw through their deception and foiled their attempts to trick Him time and again. Interestingly, Jesus doesn’t really tell His followers how to answer such people or how to turn the tables on them. Instead, He says to avoid them altogether.
RESPOND: Why and how were the religious leaders trying to trap Jesus? How did He avoid that trap? What is a Christian’s responsibility in regard to his or her government? (See 20:25 note.) In what ways do you think relationships with other people will be different for God’s people in eternity, and why? (See 20:36 note.) In what ways does our own resurrection after death provide hope? What is the connection and relationship between the Messiah (i.e., “Anointed One,” Savior, Christ) and King David? (See 20:44 note.) According to Jesus (vv. 45-47) what types of people should you avoid and why? In what way was the widow’s offering much greater than all the others put together? (See 21:1-4 note) How does God determine the value of a gift? In what way does the widow’s example challenge you personally?
PRAY: Pray for those in governmental leadership on the national, state and local levels. Pray for individuals by name, asking God to give them wisdom. Also, give thanks for the hope of resurrection and eternal life with Christ.
ACT: Get a newspaper or magazine or log on to a news web site and notice the stories related to government. Use this as a guide in praying for government leaders, their situations and the decisions they must make. Also, set aside some money that you would have used for something else–not just your “extra” income, but something that will truly be more of a sacrifice–and give it to your church or to missions.