NT Fire Starters – Day 111: Luke 19:1-27
READ: Luke 19:1-27
THINK: What are you doing with your God-given gifts, resources and opportunities? Are you developing them, or are you hiding them? Are you using them to benefit others, or are you squandering them on selfish interests? Above all, are you using them in a way that honors God and promotes His purposes? Those who depend on God and make the most of what they have will be entrusted with even more–not necessarily from a worldly point of view, but from an eternal perspective. However, those who don’t use what they have, will eventually lose it (cf. 19:26). Don’t let laziness, pride, self-consciousness or fear keep you from investing what God has entrusted to you.
RESPOND: How did people likely feel about Zacchaeus? (See 19:1-10 note) Why do you think Jesus responded to Zacchaeus as He did? What do Zacchaeus’ actions and quick response indicate about his attitude toward Jesus? How does this story challenge your attitudes about spiritually lost people? How can you tell that Zacchaeus’ faith was genuine? (See 19:8 note.) What does this passage reveal about the purpose of Jesus’ earthly mission? (See 19:10 note.) What does that mission mean to you personally? What did people of that time–particularly Jews–expect of Jesus? (See 19:11 note.) How was the way Jesus established His kingdom vastly different from what people expected? What does the parable of the ten minas teach about our responsibilities to God? (See 19:13 note.) In what ways was the unfaithful servant’s view of the master completely inaccurate (cf. vv. 21-23)? How does the way we use what God has given us in this life affect what happens to us now and in eternity? (See 19:17 note.) In what ways does this inspire you to do more with what God has given you to serve His purposes?
PRAY: Ask God to give you an attitude of greater compassion and openness to people of all types who don’t know Him. Ask God to help you be faithful with all the opportunities and resources He’s given you to honor Him. ACT: Think of people you know who seem far from God. Reconsider your attitude toward them and any judgments you’ve made regarding their openness. Some of these individuals may be ready to receive Christ, but could be testing you to see if your faith is real. Befriend these individuals and trust God for the opportunity to lead them to Jesus.