Ministry Resources

Day 329: It Is Who You Know

Author: David Thomas

Today’s Scripture: Daniel 3:17-18

Central Thought: Faith is a matter of who you know (God), not what you know (the outcome).

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego present one of Scripture’s classic demonstrations of faith that trusts in God regardless of circumstances and uncertainty of the outcome.

These young men did now know whether or not God would rescue them from their situation. They did not know if God would save their lives until after they had suffered physically. They did not know why they were seemingly going unrewarded for honoring God by refusing to worship the golden image.

But they did know God, and that was enough to prompt their incredible display of faith despite everything they did not know.

Devotional Prayer: Lord, thank You for the relationship we have. When difficult circumstances arise, may my faith draw upon You through the relationship we have developed.

Today’s Bible Reading: Daniel 2:24-3:30; 1 Peter 4:7-5:14; Psalm 119:81-96; Proverbs 28:15-16

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