Day 306: Character and Reputation
Author: David ThomasToday’s Scripture: 2 Peter 3:14
Central Thought: Spiritual growth requires effort, and the expectancy of eternity can motivate us to live exemplary lives.
Peter’s admonition to be found spotless and blameless hits at two key words: character and reputation.
To be found spotless means to live with high morals and ethics. That describes what we are, or our character. To be found blameless means to have a good name in our community, or a good reputation. That means we live in a way that others recognize our character.
As Peter writes, living spotless and blameless requires effort, and effort requires motivation. Peter describes that motivation when he writes, ‘since you are looking forward to this [a new heaven and a new home].”
Living with a sense of expectancy of the final prize inspires us to make the effort to be found spotless and blameless.
Devotional Prayer: Thank You for the promise of what is to come in eternity. May I never take heaven for granted, instead allowing it to be a daily motivation as I grow spiritually.
Today’s Bible Reading: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22