Ministry Resources

Day 33: Never-Ending Protection

Author: Barbara Lighthizer

Today’s Scripture: Psalm 27:1-6 

Central Thought: God knows how to protect us

‘The Lord is the stronghold of my life” (Psalm 27:1). David declared his trust in the Lord, which helped to eliminate his fear of those who were trying to hurt him. We may not have people bent on our destruction as David had; but our common enemy, Satan, is using every means at his disposal to cause us discouragement and grief.

Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary describes stronghold as ‘a fortified place; a place of security or survival; a place dominated by a particular group or marked by a particular characteristic.” Christians can go to the Lord as their shelter in times of stress, grief, and fear or when their lives are threatened by circumstances.

The Lord’s stronghold was part of David’s lifestyle. He often turned to the Lord as a child would run to his father for protection. We have this same opportunity. We do not have to make an appointment or be in a certain income level. Our skills are not a requirement, nor are the levels of our education important. The only requirement is accepting Christ as our Savior.

As we walk with Him every day, we will learn that He is our first line of defense. He will give us the strength to deal with whatever happens. This stronghold is not made with human hands, but by the power of God.

Devotional Prayer: Lord, why should I fear when You, almighty God, are watching over me? Forgive me for my quaking heart and give me a better understanding of who You are. Thank You for the peace I have when I keep my eyes on You rather than on the circumstances that surround me.

Today’s Bible Reading: Exodus 15:19-17:7Matthew 22:1-33Psalm 27:1-6Proverbs 6:20-26

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