Day 125: God’s Glorious Creativity and Power
Author: Crystal OrtmannToday’s Scripture: Psalm 104:24-35
Central Thought: Appreciate God’s power and creative beauty that is evident in the world in which we live.
Living near the active volcano Mount Saint Helens in the Pacific Northwest reminds one of God’s power. The mountain has erupted several times in the past twenty-five years and left a moonscape on which nothing seemed to survive. The ash from one blast went all the way around the world.
Today, the mountain continues to disgorge steam and ash in a much more subdued way, forming a new lava dome in the process. Scientists forecast that the mountain might even become as high as in the past. New life has appeared in the form of trees, bushes, and animals. The awe-inspiring sight causes one to think about the creative abilities of our Lord.
We observe but a mere fragment of the power of the Lord God Almighty. He made the entire world, space, and all the planets and galaxies. Nothing exists without Him. We cannot even draw a breath on our own.
What a glorious God we serve! The God who made heaven and earth loves us and wants us to remember His splendor and power. He also wants us to bring our problems and concerns to Him.
Devotional Prayer: Lord, help us to remember Your splendor, majesty, and power. Remind us that You want us to allow that same power to help us in our lives.
Today’s Bible Reading: Judges 19:1-20:48; John 3:22-4:3; Psalm 104:24-35; Proverbs 14:22-24