Day 124: He Stills the Storm
Author: Crystal OrtmannToday’s Scripture: Psalm 104:1-23
Central Thought: The power of God can calm the storm, and surpass our greatest need.
God created all good things. He created the world and all the spectacular sights of nature. We are loved by a good and gracious God.
Nature is incredibly relaxing and soothing. The quiet of a deep forest is food for the soul. Sunsets and sunrises fill one with awe. Soft breezes are cooling and refreshing. Pounding ocean waves draw one to listen and think. We can say with God, ‘It is good.”
God also created powerful forces of nature such as storms, tidal waves, and powerful winds. Although these can be devastating, God’s strength is able to calm them. He walks on the wings of the wind, in total control, bringing hope and peace to our souls.
Dark, brooding clouds
Sweep over boiling ocean.
Violent waves dash themselves
Against massive cliffs.
Lightning-gashed blackness
Reaches to the turbulent sea.
Churning breakers
Whip themselves into frenzied dance.
The majesty of God is passing by.
Created bows to Creator,
As He speaks in hushed utterance,
‘Be still!” and it obeys.
– © 2006 Crystal J. Ortmann.
God is not afraid of the storms of life. He is there to help each one who calls on Him.
Devotional Prayer: Lord, help us remember Your great strength, especially in times of physical, emotional and natural storms.
Today’s Bible Reading: Judges 17:1-18:31; John 3:1-21; Psalm 104:1-23; Proverbs 14:20-21