Ministry Resources

Day 131: Learn to Hear Gods Voice

Author: Richard J. Bennett

Today’s Scripture: 1 Samuel 8:1-9:27

Central Thought: Christians need to learn to hear God’s voice and be obedient to Him.

When Samuel was a boy, God began speaking to him. The first message he heard from God was a warning of the impending judgment on Eli and his sons because of their wicked behavior and their disrespect of God (see 1 Samuel 3:10-14).

Samuel was now an old man who still heard from God and walked in integrity. Unfortunately, his sons did not follow his example. Because of this (and for other reasons), the Israelites demanded that Samuel appoint a king to rule over the people of Israel. As this story unfolds, we find several examples of Samuel’s hearing and obeying the voice of God.

  • Though Samuel was unhappy with the people’s request for a king, he listened to God who instructed him to appoint a king over Israel (8:7).
  • He warned the people, as God instructed him to, about what it would mean to have a king rule over them (8:10-18).
  • He prepared to meet the man God had chosen to be king, in accordance with what God had told him on the day before (9:15-17, 22-23).

Like Samuel, Christians need to learn to hear God’s voice. And like Samuel, we must obey Him when He speaks to us. If you are unsure how to do this, follow Samuel’s example and say, “Speak, for your servant hears” (3:10).

Devotional Prayer: God, help me to learn to hear Your voice and to have the courage to obey You when You speak to me.

Today’s Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 8:1-9:27John 6:22-42Psalm 106:32-48Proverbs 14:34-35

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