Day 5: Leave Your Comfort Zone
Author: Don BaileyToday’s Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9
Central Thought: Following God means leaving our comfort zone
The tornado’s dark, swirling funnel swept down on the main street of the small town. It took only a few moments for lives, homes, businesses, and future plans to be swept away by the storm’s wrath. As the survivors emerged from the wreckage, some wondered how they could possibly go on. The challenges seemed to be so great.
It would have been easy for Abraham to think that the challenges he was required to face when he obeyed God’s call were too great. He was to leave the security of living near his extended family to journey to a land he knew nothing about. In fact, Abraham did not even know where he was going; he just knew that God promised that He would make him into a great nation in this new land. On the strength of God’s promise, Abraham packed up his entire household and left for this promised land.
God sometimes calls us to leave our comfort zones to follow Him. He may lead us to a new town or a new job, or He may call us into a ministry that requires some personal sacrifice. We need to follow Abraham’s example and cling to God’s promises for our lives.
Devotional Prayer: I’m placing my future into your hands, Lord.
Today’s Bible Reading: Genesis 11:1-13:4; Matthew 5:1-26; Psalm 5:1-12; Proverbs 1:24-28