Day 175: Heart Protection
Author: Don BaileyToday’s Scripture: Psalm 141:1-4
Central Thought: It is important that we each guard our heart and our mouth.
Regrets consume many people. They are filled with such thoughts as, If only I had…, I wish I had…, and If only I had listened. These ifs often occupy time that would be better spent living in the present and planning for the future. These people have difficulties learning from their mistakes.
Today’s reading gives us a far better approach to life—guarding our hearts and mouths so that we do not have to deal with the problems that come from poor choices. David knew that he needed God’s help to be able to control these sometimes unruly aspects of life. David also knew firsthand the problems unhealthy desires produce. His sin with Bathsheba cost him and his family dearly. At one point he even had to flee from one of his sons who was plotting to destroy him.
We can choose to let God help us avoid evil desires and hurtful speech. When we allow God to help us guard our lives, we can spend our time living for Him without all the regrets bad choices bring. Let us daily commit ourselves to letting God guard our heart and mouth.
Devotional Prayer: Guide me so that everything I say and do is pleasing to You.
Today’s Bible Reading: 2 Kings 4:18-5:27; Acts 15:1-35; Psalm 141:1-10; Proverbs 17:23