Ministry Resources

Day 206: Undying Love

Author: Mary Smith

Today’s Scripture: Romans 8:22-39

Central Thought: God has always loved us, and He always will.

India’s Taj Mahal stands as one of the world’s most admired structures. The emperor Shah Jahan had it built as a tribute to the wife he loved deeply. The grieving husband had her body buried there. According to one source, her tomb carries a touching inscription: ‘To the memory of an undying love.” As long as the Taj stands and people admire it, it will testify to the incredible love that led to its construction.

The Bible tells an even greater love story. It revolves around the undying love of God for sinful man. In Romans 8, Paul pictured all creation eagerly awaiting the glory God’s love will provide in eternity (verses 22-25). He also assured us of the help the Holy Spirit offers believers as they live this side of that eternal day (verses 26-30).

The writer applied these wonderful truths to our lives in verses 31 through 39. Beginning in verse 35, he reminded us that nothing can separate God’s children from His amazing love. Through this love, we arise as conquerors—testimony to God’s undying love for His people.

Thank God daily for His love. Commit yourself to showing His love to a lost world. Let His love color the way you relate to other people you encounter today.

Devotional Prayer: Thank you, Father, for Your incredible love. Help me reflect this love in my life each day.

Today’s Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22; Romans 8:22-39; Psalm 18:37-50; Proverbs 19:27-29.

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