Ministry Resources

Day 205: How to Avoid Bad Advice

Author: Mary Smith

Today’s Scripture: 2 Chronicles 8:11-10:19

Central Thought: Be careful who you listen to.

Listening to the wrong advice can create problems, to say the least. Perhaps the advice a doctor gave to a woman suffering from headaches qualifies as the poorest advice ever. To get rid of the recurring pain, he suggested she get pregnant. Many a mother would probably say that this is where the headaches really begin.

Today’s Scripture describes Solomon’s worship and observances in the temple (2 Chronicles 8:12-16); his great wealth (8:17, 18); a visit to him by the Queen of Sheba (9:1-12); and more about his greatness, wealth, and wisdom (9:13-31). Chapter 9 closes with his son Rehoboam succeeding him as king (9:31).

This is where the grand story of these verses takes a distinct turn. Solomon’s son, acting on the advice of the young leaders surrounding him, began to oppress the people of God (10:1-11). As a result, Israel became a divided nation.

Why did Rehoboam follow this tragic course? He ignored the advice of elders who had been a part of Israel’s leadership under Solomon. Rehoboam ignored wise advice and followed the advice of young but inexperienced friends he surrounded himself with.

It matters who you listen to. Not every voice offering guidance today has true wisdom behind it. Where can we go to find the wisdom we all need from time to time? The Bible offers inspired wisdom and direction in its pages. Seasoned saints who have faithfully served God for years also offer us a great reserve of wisdom. Praying connects us directly with God’s wisdom (James 1:5).

We do not need to wander blindly through life wishing for greater wisdom. Tap into the channels of wisdom God provides His children.

Devotional Prayer: Thank You, God, for your perfect wisdom, and for sharing it with me through the Bible, seasoned believers, and prayer.

Today’s Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 8:11-10:19; Romans 8:9-21; Psalm 18:16-36; Proverbs 19:26

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