Day 79: The Birthday of the Church
Author: Pastor Larry & Pat DowningPentecost Sunday is very special to all of us here in Australia because on this very day in 1606, our nation was declared to be the “Great South Land of the Holy Spirit” by the Portuguese missionary and explorer Captain de Quiros. He claimed this land to be a land which would reveal the glory of God to the nations! Some four hundred years later, the apostle Smith Wigglesworth prophesied that the last great outpouring of the Holy Spirit would come from our land!
We are a naturally dry continent, but we have also been spiritually dry for many years as our nation has slipped into false spirituality, deceptive religions and consumer materialism, making it more difficult for the Gospel to take effect. But it is beginning to rain. The wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing across this nation to bring the rains of refreshing, renewal and revival. Those who are called by His name are now reminding Him of His promises to come and heal our land as we take His Word in prayer and fasting.
Pentecost is the birthday of the Church––a Church birthed in the Upper Room as everyone gathered there in unity and one accord to receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. He came, and they received the baptism of re that enabled them to sweep out into the streets, cities and nations to literally transform the known world!
Today I believe the same life–changing experience of re is upon us as we draw ever closer to God’s glory. In doing so, our eyes are fully focused upon Jesus who said He would build His Church––a glorious, triumphant Church––against which, hell could not prevail!
To be able to celebrate this amazing day as one Body all over the world, and with like desire and passion, shows that we are moving ever closer to the fulfillment of the prayer Jesus prayed for the Body: to be one, just as He was one with the Father.
As He poured out His Spirit in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, let’s expect this Pentecost to see the rain of His mercies upon our nations and a great revival begun through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
What is the Holy Spirit saying to me?
• Imagine what the Church would be like if all believers were ignited by the Holy Spirit. Pray that the Church will call on the Lord to pour out His Spirit!
• Ask the Holy Spirit to aid you and your local church with His presence so that the re catches from person to person all over your area.
• Pray in the Spirit for what is on His heart regarding Pentecost this year.
Acts 2:1–4; Matthew 16:17–19
Pastor Larry & Pat Downing
Foothills Community Church
Collections of thoughts from varied sources
Scripture verses from KJV or NIV unless specified