Day 40: I’m Limited
Author: Pastor Larry & Pat DowningLET’S CHANGE IT TODAY
1. God is able! He will do above and beyond all you can ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20) He’s not limited, and so neither are you, because you are made in His image.
2. Meet Jephthah! His past told him that he was the son of a prostitute. But God told him he was a mighty warrior! Each one of us has conflicting voices telling us who we are. You must choose God’s version of yourself, rather than people’s version of you. Side with what God says about you.
3. Leave the room. The father of faith, Abraham, felt confined and limited by his inability to have a child with his wife Sarah. So God brought Abraham out of the house, and told him to look UP and count the stars. Whenever you feel limited, walk outside and look up. Look to God.
4. You can only see stars when you’re looking up! Repeat step 3 above! Stop looking at the ceiling and start looking at the stars.
5. Get in touch with your new spirit. Your spirit is your vertical window, giving you the ability to look up and see from God’s point of view. Your flesh is your horizontal window, allowing you only to look around at your circumstance or to look back at your past limitations. Open your vertical window and look up,, expecting God to do above and beyond all you can ask or think!
6. Living beyond your wildest expectations and dreams starts with some wild expectations and dreams! Dream big. Ask big. Expect big! He will do infinitely above and beyond your highest thoughts and dreams!
7. Don’t limit God. Psalm 78:41 says, “They limited the Holy One of Israel.” (KJV) We limit Him when we think small, dream small, and ask small. Jabez prayed: ENLARGE MY TERRITORY. (1 Chronicles 4:9– 10) Ask that today.
I side with what God says about me today. I am a mighty warrior. I will not be defined or confined by my past. I refuse to be limited by my failure, mistakes, or the limitations others have put on me.
I leave the room where the ceiling is, and I look up. I look up, expecting God to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond my highest hopes, thoughts, desires, and dreams!
Today I ask God to bless me indeed and enlarge my territory. I refuse to limit Him, and therefore He will break through in me, in Jesus’ Name!
Pastor Larry & Pat Downing
Foothills Community Church
Collections of thoughts from varied sources
Scripture verses from KJV or NIV unless specified