Day 21: I Feel Like I’ve Failed
Author: Pastor Larry & Pat DowningLET’S CHANGE IT TODAY
1. You have comeback DNA in you. Even in what seems like the worst situation, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. Expect your comeback! You have resurrection DNA in you!
2. Falling isn’t failing. Proverbs 24:16 says, “A righteous man falls seven times, but he rises again!” You are righteous in Christ. See yourself as someone who rises up. When you’ve fallen, you have the choice to get back up.
3. Jesus gets His prayers answered. And He is praying for you, that your faith would not fail. Luke 22:32 tells us that Jesus said to Peter (and to you), “I have prayed for you, that your faith would not fail.” You are not going to fail. No shame! Get up.
4. Jesus is turning TO you, not FROM you! In Luke 22:61, Jesus turned TO Peter after he denied Him. He didn’t turn FROM him. You are accepted! This acceptance transformed Peter’s life after he hit rock bottom. God accepts you, just like He accepted Peter, even when you’ve failed.
5. Even when you’re doing poorly, God will NOT FAIL you. He’s going to make sure you make it. Your relationship with Him was His idea, not yours. He will finish what He started.
6. In one moment, God can turn around years of apparent failure. In Esther 9:1, God’s people were about to be destroyed, but God suddenly delivered them. In only ONE DAY, the tables were turned, and God transformed certain defeat into total victory! If God could accomplish this for them, He can do it for you!
I have comeback DNA in me! It’s my new nature to always rise, even when I’ve fallen. I have the blood- bought choice to get back up when I’ve failed! Jesus doesn’t turn from me when I’ve fallen; He turns to me and prays for me. He will not fail me. His love will never fail toward me. I am expecting God to turn my failures and frustrations around beginning today, in Jesus’ Name!
Pastor Larry & Pat Downing
Foothills Community Church
Collections of thoughts from varied sources
Scripture verses from KJV or NIV unless specified