Day 20: It’s Just So hard to be a Christian
Author: Pastor Larry & Pat DowningLET’S CHANGE IT TODAY
1. It’s not hard to be something you already are. Jesus made you a Christian, and there’s nothing that can change that. You’re a new creation! You are already more than a conqueror! You don’t have to TRY to be a human. You are one! In the same way: You ARE a Christian!
2. It is He who made us, and not we ourselves. Selah—pause and think on that. HE MADE YOU A CHRISTIAN. And you can’t undo what God has done.
3. Jesus did it all. When He said, “It is finished,” in John 19:30, He meant: “The debt is paid; the sentence is served; the victory is won! I did everything necessary for you to be saved and at peace.” Now, just believe it.
4. Start realizing “Christian” means “Christ-IN”. He is in you. It’s impossible for you to fail at being a Christian, when the anointing (Christ) is at work within you.
5. His yoke is easy. Reverse your thinking. Think, “It’s easy to be a Christian.” His yoke is easy. His burden is light. You are yoked/connected/hitched to Him!
6. Rest in the fact that you don’t have to be perfect. God is not holding you to a perfect standard. Jesus is your perfection. Just rest in this truth!
It is easy to live the Christian life because God already made me more than a conqueror. Jesus did it all! His life is in me. His love is in me. His power is in me. His Spirit is in me. Therefore, I cannot fail as a Christian! I am not alone, and never will be. I am yoked to Him, and that’s why I can enjoy my relationship WITH God, rather than strive to fulfill a duty FOR God. I am free, in Jesus’ Name!
Pastor Larry & Pat Downing
Foothills Community Church
Collections of thoughts from varied sources
Scripture verses from KJV or NIV unless specified