Ministry Resources

Day 13: I Haven’t Done Enough

Author: Pastor Larry & Pat Downing


1. We get what Jesus deserves. Romans 8:17 tells us that we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ. His inheritance is ours. 1 John 4:17 says, “As He is, so are we in this world.” This is the great exchange! We deserved the curse, but instead, we get His blessing.

2. Be covenant-minded. You have a covenant with God. A covenant is a contract—in this case, a contract that is guaranteed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

3. Be grace-minded. Grace is when God gives us what we don’t deserve. Hebrews 4:16 says, “Therefore, let us draw near with confidence [boldly] to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

4. Have confidence in God, not in yourself (1 John 3:20–21). Confidence and faith enables God to answer prayers in our lives.

5. Reject condemnation. It is our heart that condemns us for our mistakes and shortcomings. When we feel condemned, we lose confidence, and then we believe we can’t receive anything from God.

6. Accept your freedom in Christ. There is now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ! (Romans 8:1)

7. Stop beating yourself up about what you haven’t done. We often punish ourselves with self- condemnation. We will never do enough for God. That’s why Jesus did it all. He paid for sin, sickness, the curse, and our failure. Our work, our battle, is to simply believe.


I let go of the mindset that tells me I’m not holy enough, or I haven’t done enough to receive answered prayers. I receive His promises by faith. I am a joint heir with Jesus Christ. I expect to get what He deserves, not what I deserve. The throne of His grace is always open! His river of lavish love-gifts are always flowing towards me! I receive His grace, freely and lavishly, in Jesus’ Name!

Pastor Larry & Pat Downing
Foothills Community Church
Collections of thoughts from varied sources
Scripture verses from KJV or NIV unless specified

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