Ministry Resources

Day 12: I Can’t Shake my Past

Author: Pastor Larry & Pat Downing


1. Meet the new you. You truly are a new creation—if you are in Christ. The old has passed away. Your past is over!

2. God will use your past. Live in Romans 8:28. All things, including your past, work for your GOOD! While your past is over, God can still make it work to your advantage. Believe that.

3. You are more than a conqueror. That means your past doesn’t conquer you! You have conquered it, by being in Christ. You’re the head and not the tail! See yourself that way, and your past loses its grip on you.

4. You are not guilty. No matter how guilty you were, you have been pronounced by Jesus as “NOT GUILTY”. Jesus has washed all your sins away (Romans 8:34). That’s how God sees you. Now, you can start seeing yourself that way.

5. You can shake it off! In Acts 28:5, Paul shook off a serpent from his hand. And you have the power to do so as well. Nothing can harm you anymore—not even your past mistakes or shortcomings. Shake it off by speaking to it!

6. Have a funeral for regret. Kiss regret goodbye. Have a burial service for whatever is nagging you. Take 20 seconds and pray this funeral prayer: “Lord, I thank you that this sin or mistake of my past is dead and gone. You have removed it & forgotten it, therefore so do I! I shake it off and commit it to You.” And thus concludes this funeral service for your past!


I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; and no matter how bad my past is, it’s not only forgiven—it’s washed away! I am more than a conqueror, and I will not be pushed around by memories or people from my past. Because of the blood of Jesus, I am not guilty. I shake off my past. I declare it is over, and I expect God will turn my situation around for good in some miraculous way, in Jesus’ Name!

Pastor Larry & Pat Downing
Foothills Community Church
Collections of thoughts from varied sources
Scripture verses from KJV or NIV unless specified

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