Day 15: Hopelessness is Not Forever
Author: Alice NorthcuttToday’s Scripture: Psalm 13:1-2
Central Thought: Time seems to stand still when we face dangers or other difficult situations, but trust and faith can bring renewed hope
When all is going well and we are enjoying life or a special event, time seems to fly. But when things are not going so well—when we face danger, discouragement, or other difficult circumstances—time seems to stall, and hopelessness may creep in.
Apparently, the psalmist was facing a situation he felt was hopeless, even that God had forsaken him. Sorrow was with him daily and there seemed to be no hope of overcoming the enemy. There is no indication as to the circumstances that led to the prayer of Psalm 13 or how long the prevailing circumstances continued, but apparently it seemed like a long time: “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long…? How long…?” (verses 1 and 2).
Although this psalm begins with a forever hopelessness, it ends with a hope that is based on faith. Verses 5 and 6 speak of trust, rejoicing, salvation, singing, bountifulness. Even in the most trying of circumstances, let us be reminded that God is with us even when we feel that He is farthest away. We may never understand why events that tempt us to hopelessness come our way, but may we never forget that our trust and faith in God will be sufficient to see us through every difficulty.
Devotional Prayer: Lord, help me to be able to trust in you, rejoice in your gift of salvation, and sing of your bountiful spiritual blessings even when hopelessness seems to be forever.
Today’s Bible Reading: Genesis 31:17-32:12; Matthew 10:26-11:6; Psalm 13:1-6; Proverbs 3:16-18