Ministry Resources

Faith Walk: Move on With Life

Author: Dr. George Flattery

The two words, “if only” might be two of the saddest words in the English language.

It implies that if we could only go back and change the past, we could live in peace in the present. Focusing on the past is like driving a car while looking in the rearview mirror. We will eventually crash and never receive the healing that God intends for our lives. We all have regrets. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all say stupid things and make bad choices that hurt ourselves and other people. We all have done things in the past that we wish we could take back. Regrets demand to know why we did what we did in the first place. Yet, we cannot go back and change the past. Let us forgive ourselves today for the wrong decisions we have made. Let us use our regrets as learning experiences to help us make right decisions in the present and the future. Isaiah 43:18-19 “Forget what happened in the past and don’t dwell on events from long ago because I’m going to do something new.” God is saying to us today, “Stand up and keep on going! What is in the past is in the past! Get out there and move on with your life!”

Daily encouragements reminding us how to continually walk in faith. Taken from Dr. George Flattery's Facebook devotional series.

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