Day 61: Don’t Be Foolish
Author: Fannie Mae HallToday’s Scripture: Proverbs 10:21
Central Thought: The wise are willing to forgive, even when they have been wronged, while the foolish harbor ill will and seek revenge
The news carried another story of violence. A Pennsylvania man entered an Amish schoolhouse where the children of his neighbors attended. He reportedly allowed the boys and teachers to go free, but he later shot six of the girls execution style and then shot himself. A suicide note the killer had left said he was angry with God over the death of his stillborn daughter some years earlier.
Apparently, the man had wasted opportunity after opportunity to find comfort and forgiveness from God—the One who could help him. Though he could have embraced life with hope and forgiveness, he chose to die just as Proverbs 10:21 says—foolishly.
But the story of the peace-loving Amish community was different. Before nightfall a delegation of their leaders made their way to the killer’s home. Though themselves grief stricken, they offered comfort and forgiveness to the man’s grieving widow. Such behavior took people by surprise. The words of the Amish leaders touched the entire world, telling of Jesus and His offer of hope and healing.
Each of us has a choice of how we respond to life. Will we offer life and hope to others, or will we die foolishly?
Devotional Prayer: Lord, help me look for opportunities to bring healing and hope to the people You allow me to meet.
Today’s Bible Reading: Leviticus 24:1-25:46; Mark 10:13-31; Psalm 44:9-26; Proverbs 10:20-21