Day 361: Be a Voice for Justice
Author: Don BaileyToday’s Scripture: Proverbs 31:8-9
Central Thought: Christians have a responsibility to reach out to the outcasts.
‘Who has time for them? After all, they have made their bed; now they have to lie on it.” Do we ever respond or feel like this when we see those who apparently are bearing scars of life for the bad choices they made? We can easily turn away from them in irritation that they take up people’s time and money.
Sometimes we may feel this way toward the disabled, those in poverty, and even those who are starving. We may assume that they are just receiving what they deserve and that they just need to grow up and make good choices. Sometimes we may just not want to be bothered by such people.
Yet, today’s reading shows that God expects a very different response from us. He wants His people to advocate for those who do not have an advocate. These people need fairness and justice rather than our feelings of hostility. No matter where we live, we will have many opportunities to reach out to the needy and show them the love of Christ. Let us look for opportunities to become a voice to the helpless.
Devotional Prayer: Show me those who need someone to stand up for them.
Today’s Bible Reading: Zechariah 14:1-21; Revelation 20:1-15; Psalm 148:1-14; Proverbs 31:8-9