Day 351: True Happiness
Author: Barbara LighthizerToday’s Scripture: Habakkuk3:17-18 (NIV)
Central Thought: Having trust in God brings joy.
We easily find happiness and fulfillment in our family, career, and possessions. But when tragedy strikes, we sometimes question God’s reason for allowing worry and heartache to enter our lives. When our world starts unraveling and our financial security crumbles, we may panic.
Habakkuk declares one of the strongest affirmations of faith in the Bible. He testifies that if our means of providing food for our families and ourselves is destroyed—when all seems hopeless—God knows what is happening. He also knows what should be done. We may lose our possessions and family; friends may leave us. But our Lord is always with us (Hebrews 13:5). In this, we rejoice. Hope is never gone when God is present.
If we base our security and happiness on what we can see and feel, we will be disappointed. God wants us to find our safety and joy in trusting Him. He never changes.
Devotional Prayer: Lord, help me to trust You more and to not rely on my relationships, possessions, or position in life for fulfillment. Please give me wisdom to know how to respond when I experience hardships. Thank You for never leaving me.
Today’s Bible Reading: Habakkuk 1:1-3:19; Revelation 9:1-21; Psalm 137:1-9; Proverbs 30:10