Day 346: Worship
Author: Debbie RussellToday’s Scripture: Revelation 4:8
Central Thought: Our Heavenly Father is a great and mighty God who is deserving of our reverence and praise.
God is a holy and awesome God who deserves our praise. Psalm 100 tells us that the Lord is God and we should come before His presence with singing and joy. It says we should enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.
There are living creatures before His throne that never stop calling Him holy. They continually praise Him.
How much time do you spend thanking God and praising Him just because of who He is? I think we sometimes spend too much time complaining or asking for something when we talk to Him. The Bible tells us to cast our care on Him and to make our requests known to Him; yet, in all of that we should take some time to just say thank you and to worship Him with great love and devotion.
Devotional Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, You are such a mighty God. You deserve my praise, thanksgiving, and adoration. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come—I love You.
Today’s Bible Reading: Obadiah verses 1-21; Revelation 4:1-11; Psalm 132:1-18; Proverbs 29:24-25