Day 344: He Is Our Hope
Author: Debbie RussellToday’s Scripture: Psalm 130:5
Central Thought: God is a good God, and because of Him we have hope.
Some of the saddest people on earth are those without hope. People are in a desperate situation if they feel there is no hope.
But Christians should never feel that way because with Jesus as our Savior we do have hope. The Bible tells us that in Christ Jesus we always triumph. There is no problem that life can throw our way that is too hard for Him. In Jesus we always have hope—He will bring us through to victory.
We have hope because of who He is—not because of what we have or have not done. It is in Him that we hope. And He is faithful!
Devotional Prayer: Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus thanking You that You are with me and that nothing that happens to me takes You by surprise. You are always working in my behalf, and I appreciate You for that.
Today’s Bible Reading: Amos 4:1-6:14; Revelation 2:18-3:6; Psalm 130:1-8; Proverbs 29:21-22