Ministry Resources

Coffee Stains: Virus Checker!

Author: David Porter

Ah, but this thing is slow !

As I write, it’s Friday morning and my virus checker is running in the background. Down in the bowels of my computer this program is poking around, looking in hidden closets, and generally sniffing every program like a drug-finding dog. It’s after viruses and Trojans and who knows what else? It’s also a pain, because my computer runs sloooooooooowly during this time (101,768 things checked to this point. 82% done). Sometimes I type a word and it’s a few seconds before it appears on the screen because McAffey is using so much of the memory. I’m always glad when it finishes and leaves me alone, so I can get on with my work at regular speed. I’ve been tempted to stop it at times but I don’t Know why? Yup, I don’t want any viruses (and I don’t want to send you any either). In our day and time, you have to check for viruses.

It’s a fact of life. Today is the third of January. Have you run your virus checker yet? I’m not talking about on your computer, but have you checked up on your life? We don’t always realize it, but little bugs can sneak into our system as we go about our life, and they slow down our response to God. Our someone can sneak a trojan into our heart and he begins to collaborate with the enemy outside of us. These are often thoughts like, ‘If God really loves me, then why this?” or ‘That fellow is supposed to be such a good Christian, but look at him!” or ‘It’s just a little thing. I’m only human. I know it’s not good, but it’s harmless!” Or … Virus checkers! What a pain. But oh, how necessary.

How long has it been since you took an hour or two and really did some thinking about where you are in life? It’s good to ask questions like, ‘What has God put me on earth to do? Am I doing it? Have I let in any attitudes that keep others away? Am I bitter against anyone? Do I need to forgive someone? Am I growing closer to the Lord or am I a bit cold? How can I improve my relationship with the Lord? With my wife? With my kids? With my boss and others at work? That ignorant neighbor! What can I do to be more effective?” Then come up with a plan of action. What am I going to do differently in each of these areas?

Someone said that the silliest thing in the world is to do the same old thing in the same old way and think you’re going to get a different result. What are you going to do? Attention all passengers! This is where the plane generally crashes. We lose weight until the first time we’re confronted with a dangerous piece of coconut cream pie which forces us to eat it. We get up a bit earlier to have some time with the Lord, until the bedroom gets so cold and the covers so warm. Then we stay in as long as we can until dreams of unemployment drive us from the comfortable womb of sleep. One of the fruits of being filled with the Holy Spirit is the fruit of  self control. Most of our good intentions don’t make it until January 15 unless we have the power of the Lord in our lives to help us. The good news is that He will help you if you ask Him to, then depend on Him for the results. Our virus checker packs a double punch. “God’s Word-“

Heb. 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account,” (NIV)

“joins God’s Spirit-“

Ps. 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting”

“-to hunt out those things that ruin our lives and our relationship to Him.” Ah, the virus scan just finished. No viruses! That’s good news. But I wonder if the Holy Spirit scanned my life, if He would find me so clean. I need to take the time to do for a scan. Get the viruses out and the good habits in. Why don’t you take a little while to run a scan yourself? It’s a great way to start the new year.

Hmmm …

‘I don’t try to live a balanced life … I try to do the things I’m created to do, the things I’m gifted to do, the things that I’m passionate to do! … Balance is a very Buddhist thing …Jesus said, ”˜put first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.” Erwin McManus.

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