Coffee Stains: Blue Screen
Author: David PorterComputers are wonderful things, sometimes. Computers are a marvelous leap into the future, incredible time-saving devices, computers are ”blah, blah, blah ” sometimes. But then sometimes you get a sweet message, ‘Word has created a protection default and this program will now close.’ Suddenly you remember you’ve never saved all this. Those times try men’s souls. Christians strain for words to say–always remembering that the Lord is listening
When I taught in Bible School one of my students came to me with a sad story. We required all term papers to be typed. This fellow was, well, he was different. His story went something like this: ‘Pastor, can I give you the hand-written version of my paper? I had it all typed on the computer and when I pushed the ‘print’ button everything just disappeared. I couldn’t get it back.” That’s not a very likely story, I know, but I knew the guy and if anyone could possibly do something like that, he could. He was gifted in that way.
Or how about that little notice that tells you that you don’t have enough memory to perform a certain function? It bothers me but I shouldn’t be surprised. Sometimes my brain gives me the same message. It just locks up. One of those ‘lock-up’ times strike when I try to understand God. For instance, I say, ‘God is incredibly big.’ But then I read that science writer Roy Britt estimates that the diameter of the universe is 156 billion light years. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second (slightly faster than some of you scoot along the interstate) and a light year would be a year’s worth of traveling at that speed. Then you multiply that by 156 billion (others say more or less) and you’ve got the diameter of the universe.
God made the universe and the Creator is omnipresent everywhere. Wow! God is big. The mind reels. But He’s also small. Molecules are made of atoms. In a single cubic centimeter of air (about the size of a sugar cube) there are about a billion billion molecules (Source: A Short History of Nearly Everything, Bill Brice). And God is there. Largest and smallest, you can’t get away. Really I suspect that God is ‘sizeless’ just as He is ageless. Time really means nothing to Him, He never had a beginning nor will He have an ending. He is. Time and space limitations mean nothing to Him. He’s also incredible in His character. He incorporates perfect justice with perfect purity and perfect love. He’s willing to forgive to the uttermost those who come to Him by the Son in repentance and faith. He makes us a part of His family. He changes us to be like Him. The old brain says, ‘Tilt! Tilt! Tilt! It does not compute. Not enough memory for this download.’ But God opens our spirit and ‘frees up some memory.’ We struggle to understand that this incredible God is accessible to us in our needs. He’s so big, why should He worry about me? But He does. Listen:
‘ Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.
Hey, you may not understand Him but call out to Him in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Tell Him your need. Listen to His voice. Your brain may not understand it but that doesn’t stop God from helping you.