Day 236: Loss of Focus
Author: Don BaileyToday’s Scripture: Job 10:1-3
Central Thought: We lose spiritual focus when we notice only our problems.
‘Snap out of it. Things aren’t nearly as bad as you think they are.” Words such as these that are meant to encourage people can sometimes drive those people deeper into despondency. Often, discouraged people do not see a way out of those dark times. They may feel much as Job did in today’s reading.
At one of his darkest moments, Job felt that God himself was oppressing him. He even accused God of taking pleasure in his sufferings and enjoying the successes of the wicked forces against him. Yet, Job lost sight of the bigger picture. God was working His purposes in Job’s life during this dreadful time. At the end of his troubles, Job learned that God ultimately was in control of everything.
We, too, can lose sight of the bigger picture when we are going through struggles. The problems we experience can seem to be the end. Yet, we need to see that God is still in control, and because of that we need to keep our hope in Him. Our troubles will come to an end. God’s peace can carry us through any difficulty.
Devotional Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for still working in my life when I am going through difficult times.
Today’s Bible Reading: Job 8:1-11:20; 1 Corinthians 15:1-28; Psalm 38:1-22; Proverbs 21:28-29