Ministry Resources

Day 106: From Strength to Strength

Author: Gwen Miller

Today’s Scripture: Psalm 84:57

Central Thought: Those who depend on God for strength will be blessed.

There are many seasons and phases of life. Yet, one thing is certain; there will be times of struggle for everyone. I am so glad God’s Word assures believers that even through life’s difficulties, we can have the hope of a positive outcome. We know innately how to rejoice and celebrate when everything is going our way. But when times are tough, what is our response to be? If we know God’s desire is always to bless us and bring us through every situation, we can lift our sights above the present and look ahead in faith.

We may not be delivered out of our circumstances, but God promises to lead us through—in one side and out the other. Our attitude during trials and tribulations can bring great glory to God.

If you are in the middle of a difficult situation, it may seem impossible to walk in victory. Actually, it is impossible from a human viewpoint. Yet God will bless you with supernatural strength as you spend time in His presence and in His Word.

Devotional Prayer: Heavenly Father, I believe Your word and trust that You will strengthen me as I put my hope in You. I will remind myself today of the supernatural power that is available to me in every circumstance.

Today’s Bible Reading: Joshua 11: 1-12: 24Luke 17:11-37Psalm 84:1-12Proverbs 13:5-6

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