Day 7: A Promise for the Upright
Author: Don BaileyToday’s Scripture: Psalm 7:1-17
Central Thought: When we are faithful to God, we can trust Him to help us
As Lois looked at the pieces of her new entertainment center, she wondered how she could possibly put it all together. She took a deep breath and then began to follow the instructions systematically. As she progressed through the assembly instructions, her entertainment center began to take shape. Eventually, this pile of pieces turned into the beautiful entertainment center she had dreamed of owning.
In today’s reading, David invited God to examine His heart and hold him accountable for any wrong he had done. He also expressed his confidence and trust that God would help to deliver him from his enemies. He knew God could deliver him from any situation, and that God knew of his own uprightness and desire to obey Him.
We may not always understand why God expects us to obey Him in certain matters. Our own desires may lead us to be disobedient. However, as we look at the examples of people around us, we will see that those who chose to disobey God brought great misery to their lives. We need to determine to follow His instructions and trust in His help.
Devotional Prayer: Lord, I put my trust in You for help and deliverance.
Today’s Bible Reading: Genesis 16:1-18:19; Matthew 6:1-24; Psalm 7:1-17; Proverbs 2:1-5