Ministry Resources

Define “Can’t”

Author: Dave Beroth

I was listening to a call-in radio show this past week.

The caller was explaining he couldn’t do something. He actually used the words “I can’t.” The radio host asked the caller a great question: “Would you define can’t?”

The discussion ensued. Are you physically incapable of doing something or is it possible you don’t want to deal with the transitional time it would take to learn something new? We often use the phrase, “I can’t.” Often it’s done unconsciously. However, this phrase can keep us from taking responsibility for our choices. For example, “I can’t” more often than not means “I don’t want to.”

When you find yourself saying “I can’t” a lot, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I just not want to do it?
  • Am I afraid to try?
  • Does it seem too hard to consider?

When you eliminate “I can’t” from your vocabulary you might discover you can get past the obstacles that give rise to resistance in moving forward. The power to decide what you can do and won’t do is really yours. When you are constantly thinking “I can’t,” it’s easy to lose sight of that fact. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 (NLT)

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