Boldness – Parts of Ourselves Remain Hidden
Author: Angela CraigI was waiting to get gas, watching a woman wash her windshield at the pump.
She had extra supplies: Windex, a squeegee, and paper towels. She would squeegee the window, carefully wiping the any missed spots with a paper towel, stand back examining her work and then try again. This went on for 14 ½ minutes (but who was counting). Surrounding her seems to be this “bubble of perfection”. The perfectly clean car. The perfect hair, nails, dress…Nothing was out of place.
I, on the other hand, had made it to gym in flip flops, forgetting my water bottle, and running in at my normal 5 minutes past the start time. As I looked in the class mirror that spread from wall to wall, I realized I forgot to brush my hair. Oh well, a feel combs of the fingers…good enough. As we stretched to the floor, my broken finger nail got caught on my yoga pants and I got a good look for the first time at the dog (or maybe cat) hair along with the cream colored balls of fuzz from my flannel sheets that had co-mingled with my yoga pants in the washing machine. At least my yoga pants were washed, I told myself, trying to look confident in all my glory.
My friend, Michele says, “It is easy to be bold when parts of ourselves remain hidden.”
But what do you do when it seems you are always one manicure shy of perfection.
What if today was a day you got caught in a hail storm walking your dogs to find out your son took your hair dryer for a science project…right before an important meeting at work? #truestory
We can start with the truth:
You are enough. You are made in God’s image, not the image on the cover of a magazine.
You are chosen. Ephesians 1: 4 says, For He chose you {us} in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in His presence and in love.
You are called. You are called to know you are the daughter or son of the King. You are called to use your gifts and talents to bring light to a dark and broken world.
Let today be a day that you break out of your bubble and are bold, imperfections and all. The world is waiting for you to show up!