Making Change your Playground of Life
Author: Angela CraigChange
She who wants to have right without wrong,
Order without disorder,
Does not understand the principles
Of heaven and earth.
She does not know how
Things hang together.
-Chuang Tzu, -fourth century B.C.
Although we don’t admit it, change is a feared enemy. Stability, security, and balance are what comforts us. Making change our playground of life is not at the top of our list of goals.
Take a look at the definition of equilibrium from the American Heritage Dictionary.
1. A condition in which all acting influences are canceled by others resulting in a stable, balanced or unchanging system.
2. Physics. The condition of a system in which the resultant of all acting force is zero…
3. Mental or emotional balance; poise (Wheatley, 2006).
Did you notice that the result of balance of all activities is zero? In all of our efforts to balance and protect our world we are actually limiting any chance we have to breath life into this world.
As we become entrenched in our day-to-day lives and to-do lists, trying to keep all the balls in the air, we forget that learning, growth and innovation only happens through change. We forget to trust anyone but ourselves and our lives becoming dull routines instead of God-given adventures.
I have had to ask myself these questions, Maybe after reading this post, you will too.
1- Why do I desire balance and security over change?
2- Do I depending on my own control, or have I freely given my life to God to do with it what He may? Do I trust Him? Do I trust myself to hear His voice and be guided by His wisdom?
3- How do I let go of the fear and make ‘change’ my playground of life?